Benton Dene Schools

Benton Dene Schools

BDS Fundraising Team

Did you know you can support us and raise money every time you shop online? And the best part? It doesn’t cost a penny! Introducing EasyFundraising, the free fundraising platform that let us earn donations when we all shop online. With 8,100+ brands to choose from, including Tesco, Sainsbury’s, John Lewis & Partners, Sports Direct, ASOS, M&S, Boots, Just Eat, and, there’s something for everyone. Here’s how it works: Download the EasyFundraising app, once you sign up, simply start your shopping journey and the retailer you shop with send us a free donation based on your spending and with no additional cost to you. Registering yourself takes just 2 minutes and all you need is your email address. But wait, there’s more! To help us get up and running, we’ve been offered an exclusive incentive for a limited time only. When a new supporter registers EasyFundraising will generously give us £1. There are 190,000 good causes So why wait? Support by registering today! Download the app, Join, shop and make a difference! #easyfundraising #everydaymagic So, why wait? Support by registering today! Download the app, Join, shop, and make a difference!